



 ◆來自中央文明與開悟大師的訊息 20160807《突破階段》 

文章來源 : 突破階段,開悟大師IbrahimH / 寫于201686
2016-08-07 作者EM翻譯張楠楠 一的教導北京 / 劉玲玲FB

Breakthrough phase, written by Enlightened Master Ibrahim H. on August 6th , 2016

Posted by Enlightened Master-Site Creator on August 6, 2016 at3:00pm

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Afterour entry into the Timelines Convergence; and the hard cleansing which wasfollowed by, this had an impact on the awakening people of earth as follows: Someof them clashed with the barriers of their inner sub-consciousness, thushindering their spiritual progress,, and some of them been helped from thishard cleansing in overcoming the obstacles of their inner sub-consciousness andtheir spiritual progress has increased and moved on, generally; this led tomore awakening among the people on planet earth, and therefore it led to anentry in the breakthrough phase.. 





What happened &what is going to happen in the breakthrough phase?  




 Basedon the great awakening that took place in the period of timelines convergence,the percentage of the collective consciousness has increased, and has becomeabove 50% now , and based on this percentage in the law of universe ; thegalactic community considered what happened as an approval from the people ofearth to them to go through direct intervention in the internal affairs of aplanet on the physical level, to meet the demands of their brothers andchildren in this planet,, whereas the interference before was external outsidethe planet and internally indirectly based on specific agreements..






The decision of directintervention had led to take some new decisions (Both internally and externallyfor the planet) of which:  



Intensification ofdirect action on the dismantling of Plasma and Veil Technology, especiallyafter getting rid of the major negative sub-timelines that related to the newtimeline which happened after the increasing of the percentage of thecollective consciousness recently...  




Intensification theappearance of the light space ships in the earth’s atmosphere, to help inpreparing people on the fact of disclosure, and accelerate the process of thedisclosure files..




Dropping off specializedteams (non-physical beings) to support the awakening of the light workers &Light warriors, and work with them on strengthening and activating the NetworkEnergy of the planet...



The event (physically) & pulse(spiritually) are the peakpoint of that breakthrough phase..




 The Natural Ascensionpeople with the supportingof the Oneness beings & the light beings will work hard on raising thelight pillars to help in the process of the breakthrough, and to be theconnecting point between the earth and the sky, in order to promote thebuilding of the cities of Light, and to be stations for the physical andmulti-dimensional contacts..



There will be 7 citiesof light, and the 8th will be the Crystal City,,those cities will be the healthy environment which will contain and save all the ready peoplefor changing in the period of transformation as healthy communities..  



 Those Cities will help people to:

 1- understand how todeal with the galactic community…

 2- enlighten them forthe new life and the new dimensions that waiting for them..

 3- prepare them for theascension plan..






 Through thisbreakthrough phase, the earth will enter the physical changes even coincidewith the period of the change & prepare herself for the ascension…and as aresult we will witness the following:


●通過這個突破階段,地球將進入物理層轉化期,甚至與變化期準備自己的揚升相吻合,作為結果. 我們將看到:

  - Many changes on the sky view like: Colors, huge clouds, huge lights… this is due to powerful penetrations in the veil, and this is alreadyhappening now , and will increase significantly soon, so as to prepare for thePeak Point... - Weakness of the Electromagnetic field around the planet, and an increasein the super Galactic Wave & Gamma Ray inside the planet.. -The people will feel more pressure on their auras as a result of their exposureto Gamma Rays which will work on decoding the blockage of the DNA, andrestoring our original strand DNA..( activating the DNA ) and this means; open the Kundalini and raise in stages the vibrations of our bodies toreach the state of building the light body ,, …of course this will happen forthose whom are ready for this stage..  








- Differences in the water level and its movement, this will happen indifferent parts of the earth to prepare for the return of the originalcondition of planet earth.. - The impact and the emergence of some of the archeological sites (ancientsites) that belonging to the ancient civilizations which contains Portals andVortex ,, this emergence will help earth to return to its origin conditions,,and that will happen naturally.. - Finally; after our entry into the timelinesconvergence & breakthrough phase , I see from here that the earth ship hasmoved … so fasten your belts ,, and don’t seek for specific time, because it is happening now, and everyone will see based on his level ofconsciousness ..






 Some people now areliving this, and start moving to the areas and communities that align withtheir consciousness, and they feel what is happening now within their auras andtheir inner planes, and sometimes they can see it within their third eye, andcan interact with the manifestation law to prepare themselves to their launch..




 Some people stillseeking for specific time, and they will feel and see everything at the time ofthe peak point (the pulse) , and this will reduce their chance to preparethemselves by much of what is going to happen around them at this moment “ thepeak point” and this will affect their spiritual growth and theirconcentrating on the inner.. HereI would like to advise you to look from a higher perspective and take thismatter seriously, and this is the meaning of belief [you need your belief tobelieve in things you haven’t seen yet physically,, because if you see itphysically, you don’t need the belief because it will become an approve and afact in front of your eyes] ,, and why you need the belief now , becauseit strengthen your inner planes & your spiritual account…and at theright moment ,, the law of manifestation will manifest your belief as a worldin front of your eyes.. 

 一些人們仍舊在尋找具體時間,他們將感覺和看到在峰值點(脈衝,)那一刻的所有事情,這將減少他們準備他們自己的機會 ,大大的(忽略掉)  





 Namaste’ EM& BS 



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